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Film Competition 2021 Storyboard Finalists
Film Competition 2021

Superb Storyboards

We invited Jamien Middleton from the Animation Guys to have the final say. 

Well done to everyone who entered a storyboard into this year’s competition. We really enjoyed looking at each and every one of them and it was a very difficult decision to choose a winner.

The judge’s verdict:

We invited Jamien Middleton from the Animation Guys to have the final say.

The winner of the 2021 Childnet Film Competition Storyboard Category is:

Elizabeth from Kingscourt School.

Here’s what Jamien had to say…

‘Overall I feel this storyboard was clear and the design and staging were easy to understand. There are some really nice hints to layout and some time and consideration have been used whilst putting the board together. The dialogue is strong with the characters. Also, the iconography used in panels 8 -11 makes it really easy for the audience to follow. The variety of shots from mids, close up and POV’s makes for an interesting animation’.

Congratulations Elizabeth and well done for being this year’s winner!

Elizabeth’s prize is a graphic drawing kit to help her continue to develop her skills. The kit includes an acrylic marker pen and a black cloth A3 sketchbook to gather her drawings.

There will also be some extra goodies going out to Elizabeth and our runners up in the storyboard category.

Our joint runners up were:

  • Devarjun from Two Mile Ash School
  • Jaina from Frome Vale Academy

Well done to both of you too.

Thank you to everyone who entered the storyboard category this year. We had so many brilliant entries and 8 storyboards were shortlisted. A final three were chosen and then Jamien chose our winner.

To see all 8 storyboards that were shortlisted please download the presentation below.

Please have a special look for the storyboards of our joint runners up Jaina and Devarjun.

  • UK Safer Internet CentreAs part of our work in the UK Safer Internet Centre
  • Connecting Europe Facility of European UnionCo-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of European Union