A practical campaign toolkit to address the issue of online sexual harassment amongst young people aged 13 – 17 years.
Step Up, Speak Up! includes a range of resources for young people and the professionals who work with them, including teachers, pastoral teams, senior school leadership and police forces.
Defining online sexual harassment

Online sexual harassment is unwanted sexual conduct on any digital platform and it is recognised as a form of sexual violence.
Online sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of behaviours that use digital content (images, videos, posts, messages, pages) on a variety of different platforms (private or public).
This toolkit specifically focuses on peer-to-peer online sexual harassment taking place between young people.
Find out more in the Project deSHAME Research Report.

Step Up, Speak Up! Campaign Toolkit 2019 by Childnet International is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.