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Help and Advice Online Sexual Harassment

What are the signs my child is affected by this?

These signs can be similar to the signs of lots of worries, but it’s important to remember online sexual harassment could be a possible reason for them.

These signs can be similar to the signs of lots of worries, but it’s important to remember online sexual harassment could be a possible reason for them.

These signs might include:

  • Not wanting to go to school or take part in activities that they usually enjoy.
  • Other signs of anxiety such as frequent complaints of a stomach ache etc.
  • Changes in how they use technology, such as turning off their screen quickly if they see you looking, or ignoring new messages.

Children are often very good at hiding their concerns. Create as many natural opportunities for talking together as possible, as they may not open up the first time you ask if something is wrong. Let them know that they can talk to you about anything.