This Saturday (2nd April 2016) marks World Autism Awareness Day 2016 and the beginning of World Autism Awareness Week.
The week is a chance for autism organisations around the world to raise awareness about autism and make a difference to the lives of autistic people around the world.
As we approach the day we wanted to share the online safety resource we launched in 2014 which offers practical advice and teaching activities to help secondary schools explore internet safety with young people with autism spectrum disorders.
Childnet STAR Toolkit
Technology and the internet offer fantastic opportunities for young people when learning, communicating and playing. However, alongside these benefits there are many risks that young people with an ASD may be more vulnerable to.
The Childnet STAR Toolkit aims to assist teachers in educating their pupils with ASD about the internet and safeguarding them against online risks.
The four sections SAFE, TRUST, ACTION and RESPECT all feature the concept of friendship and emphasise the importance of finding the balance between online and offline interaction. At the same time, the resource is continually promoting a positive, fun and safe experience for young people with ASD.
To create the toolkit we worked in partnership with Leicester City Council’s Building Schools for the Future Programme and with three schools in Leicester. Jill Moult, a teacher at West Gate School, said:
“Teaching internet safety to young people with autism spectrum disorders can be a real challenge. This toolkit will really empower school staff to support young people with ASD to make good choices and keep themselves safe online.”
The STAR Toolkit is free to use on our website:
To find out more about World Autism Awareness Week visit The National Autistic Society.