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What’s your pledge for National Safeguarding Day?

29 February 2016

Today the NCVYS are calling on all youth organisations to make a pledge for National Safeguarding Day 2016!

It is a chance for organisations to Stop what they are doing, Look at their safeguarding practices and Listen to young people. By taking a #StopLookListen16 pledge organisations can show their commitment to improving their safeguarding policies and standards.

At Childnet we are pledging to raise awareness of the importance of online safeguarding amongst schools, youth organisations and wider. To help we have come up with 4 example pledges and have included resources to support schools and youth organisations to review their e-safety policies.

  1. We pledge to review our e-safety policies and procedures. It is good to reflect on your organisation’s provision to ensure that policies are regularly updated and that best practice procedures are in place. The South West Grid for Learning provide a free online tool, 360 degree safe, which allows schools to evaluate online safety provision and strategy. For other children’s settings try the free online tool from the UK Safer Internet Centre, Online Compass, which will help ensure that safeguarding extends to the online spaces that children, staff and volunteers occupy. If you have a Safeguarding concern, remember you can always call the Professionals Online Safety Helpline on 0844 381 4772.
  2. We pledge to educate everyone in our organisation about e-safety. Online safety is a whole community issue. To educate staff why not use our e-safety INSET presentation in your school, organisation or child care setting.
  3. We pledge to encourage everyone in our organisation to review their online reputations. Many teachers and professionals use social networking services (SNS), such as Facebook and Twitter, both personally and professionally. It’s important for the children’s workforce to take steps to protect their online reputation so as to keep themselves and the young people they work with safe. Our professional reputation page will provide you with all the information you need to do this.
  4. We pledge to listen to young people’s online experiences and educate them about having a safe and positive time online. We have always championed young people’s rights as key stakeholders in the internet, and have promoted their right to participate in the decisions that affect their lives. To educate young people why not check out our resources page and watch the winners of Childnet Film Competition. To hear the perspectives of young people watch these pledges from Safer Internet Day 2016.

To make your pledge visit:

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