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Well Versed – the final film

9 June 2014

The Well Versed project has finished and the result is an esafety film created by teenagers who love, live and breathe the internet.

Created by The Parent Zone, Google, Livity and a host of YouTube stars, The Well Versed project invited young people to share peer to peer tips, techniques and secrets for navigating the online world safely.

The final 4 minute film, which was revealed at a screening last Wednesday, is compiled from the miles of advice submitted by teenagers from across the country. Curated by YouTuber and storyteller, PJ, the film is available to watch and to share online so as to keep the word about Well Versed spreading.

If you’re interested in celebrating the positive and inspiring use’s of the internet then why not enter the Childnet Film Competition? We have two separate projects in place for primary and secondary aged children both focusing on how we can make the internet a better place together.

The films must reach us no later than Friday 20th June 2014, so have a look at our primary and secondary school packs and email [email protected] if you are interested in registering.

Good luck!

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