We are thrilled to be able to announce the official theme for Safer Internet Day 2023 – read on to see how you can already get involved!
You may already follow the UK Safer Internet Centre (of which Childnet are a partner of) and have come across the all exciting Safer Internet Day news.
Following months of planning and research, the theme for the next chapter of Safer Internet Day has been revealed:

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th February 2023, with all proceedings and celebrations to be based around the theme “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”.
We are celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day, encouraging them to shape the future of online safety support.

Supporters registration
Already excited by the latest Safer Internet Day news? There’s more – the supporters registration is now officially LIVE once again.
Whether you’re part of a school, charity, business or wider organisation: fill in the online form to join the Supporters List and share your Safer Internet Day activities!
Your organisation’s logo will soon appear on the official Safer Internet Day webpage, along with your pledge about how you will support the day.
Help spread the message
There’s already several things you can be doing to help make the next chapter of Safer Internet Day the most wide-reaching yet.
Intrigued by this year’s theme? Then check out and share the UK Safer Internet Centre’s fantastic Twitter thread which fully unpacks the theme.
You can also help spread the word by sharing these key messages:
Schools and organisations can now register as a #SaferInternetDay Supporter! @UK_SIC also have some new information about the theme on their website which you can find here: https://saferinternetday.org.uk
Have you registered as a Safer Internet Day supporter? Share what you are doing for #SaferInternetDay, and see all of the great things that are planned across the UK! @UK_SIC https://saferinternetday.org.uk
You can also get involved in #SaferInternetDay by:
Visiting www.saferinternetday.org.uk
Liking @saferinternetuk on Facebook
Following @UK_SIC on Twitter