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Three more challenges ahead for Childnet hero Madeline

30 May 2022

Every charitable donation goes towards the fantastic work that Childnet does to help make sure the internet is a great and safe place for young people.

Here, we would like to shed light on a special fundraising campaign for Childnet to hopefully inspire others to support our charity, and help us reach more children and young people across the UK.

We’ve reached out to Madeline ‘Mads’, who has very generously dedicated her charity fundraiser to the cause of online safety, with the aim of raising £3,000 for Childnet.

Mads has already completed part one of her epic challenge for Childnet, so let’s find out how she’s getting along!

Q. What has inspired you to fundraise for Childnet?

I’m delighted to be raising money for Childnet because the values and goals of the organisation are so close to my own. Supporting young people to engage positively with technology is something I’m immensely passionate about.

My own experiences as an adult have inspired me to raise money for Childnet. I was manipulated and isolated by the online interactions of an individual. This resulted in me resigning from an organisation and changing my life completely.

Q. Thanks for being so open and honest. How has this experience motivated you?

Having reflected on this experience has super-charged my passion for ensuring that young people are equipped with the correct knowledge to feel empowered and protected whilst using technology and engaging with people online – I thought I was, at the age of 24 – but I absolutely wasn’t.

No child, young person, or adult should feel isolated due to technology and that’s why Childnet are an incredible organisation for tackling these issues.

Q. What challenges have you set for yourself, and how challenging have you found it so far?

In 2022, I launched ‘Mads goes Mad for Childnet’. I’m looking to raise £3,000 for Childnet by completing four challenges throughout 2022. In December, The Sage Foundation will support me on the Trip to Puerto Rico where I will continue my charity work and support youth groups in promoting digital careers and empowering young people to engage with technology positively. My four challenges are:

• Walking the length of the M25 in one month – 188.3Km – ✅ Completed in March 2022 – 231.1km walked! Check out my tweet here.

• Three Peaks Challenge (three Mountains, three Countries…24 hours!)

• Half Marathon

• 72 Hour Sponsored Silence… could be the hardest of them all!

Wow – we best let her get back to it.

If you are impressed by the work that we do and want to get involved, please take a few moments to see how you can support our work.

If you would like any more information on any aspect of our fundraising, please contact 020 7639 6967 or email

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