The inclusion of primary schools in the Digital Leaders Programme has led to the creation of a new platform. We are delighted to announce that this platform has now officially been launched!
This platform is completely separate to that of the secondary schools and uniquely tailored for 7 to 11 year olds.
The Digital Leaders platform offers pupils an exciting online learning experience. They are trained to be peer educators and role models for other pupils.
The group of Digital Leaders will deliver engaging peer to peer training to the rest of the school, allowing the school to work towards an outstanding community approach to online safety.
The programme includes structured training and ongoing support from Childnet’s expert team, helping to make e-safety learning fun and effective.
The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme aims to inspire and empower young people to take the lead in championing positive use of technology in their school or community.
The programme is delivered by Childnet as part of its work as one of the three charities in the UK Safer Internet Centre.
Find out more and register now at