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#SID2016 the biggest yet!

11 February 2016

On Tuesday 9th February thousands of people across the UK joined in activities to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2016!

On social media hundreds of schools, organisations and individuals played their part by tweeting their support, joining the mass tweet campaign, creating a #shareaheart pledge or watching, liking or sharing our content. As a result our social media campaign was the biggest yet!

Here’s some of the highlights:

  • The Safer Internet Day Thunderclap reached over 4 million people!
  • #SID2016 trended all day on twitter in the UK.
  • Stars including Matt Lucas, James from the Vamps and Bars and Melody all showed their support on social media and @KensingtonRoyal, the account for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge tweeted about #SID2016.
  • Football clubs played a huge part with Crystal Palace FC, Liverpool, Everton and Newcastle United all showing their support.
  • On Facebook the Safer Internet Day pledges from young people had over 40K views.
  • The first ever Safer Internet Day InstaMeet was held in partnership with The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign and was attended by a host of stars including CBBC Friday Download presenters and pop stars Molly Rainford and Harvey Cantwell and Vlogger twins Niki and Sammy Albon.
  • On the evening of Safer Internet Day experts from the Professionals Online Safety Helpline held a live Q&A via Periscope which provided online safety advice to teachers and parents.
  • The Safer Internet Day snapchat filter was hugely popular and helped people add Safer Internet Day to their snapchat messages.
  • The SIDTV films were shared on YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter and Facebook and have had thousands of views, likes and shares.
  • YouTuber Sqaishey Quack created this video: which has already had over 40,000 views!
  • And finally the #shareaheart campaign was a huge success with thousands of schools and individuals sharing their pledges for a better internet.

This was a just a taster of some the ways people got involved. It was a huge campaign and the UK Safer Internet Centre would like to thank everyone that helped make it so! Here’s a few more of the highlights:

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