Learn how to manage the key safety features on your favorite social networks and online services with our new esafety guides.
These esafety guides have been launched on the new Safety Tools page on the UK Safer Internet Centre website and contain the safety features for sites such as Facebook, Disney Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters and Twitter.
Most online services offer some safety features that can help users manage access to age-inappropriate content, report concerns or protect privacy. The Safety Tools page has been created to allow users to access the information for a range of services all in one place. This gives families the chance to think about which sites and services they are using and to make sure children know how to use the tools on the sites and services they use.
The page also provides links to other helpful safety tools including Google SafeSearch and 4OD Parental Control.
To view the safety tools for social networks visit: http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/news/safety-tools-for-social-networks