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Safer Internet Day 2019 reaches more children and young people than ever before!

9 April 2019

With over 2,100 organisations across the UK coming together and planning activities to celebrate the day and thousands supporting the #SaferInternetDay social media campaign, this year Safer Internet Day was bigger than ever!

Safer Internet Day 2019 was celebrated globally on the 5th February with the theme ‘Together for a better internet.’ The UK campaign was coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre and we are delighted to say that this was the biggest campaign to date.

In our two page Impact Report we share the findings from children, parents and schools across the UK. The success of the day was a result of the collective action across the UK:

  • 2,163 organisations supported Safer Internet Day by running activities and spreading the word
  • #SaferInternetDay trending throughout the day on Twitter
  • Schools across the UK delivered a huge range of activities to promote kindness online, with over 1 million downloads of educational resources and 550k views of SID TV films
  • Young people had their say across the UK, with youth events involving government, tech industry, charities, police, education and wider.

Read more in the two page Impact Report

This article was originally posted on

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