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Safer Internet Day 2019 Educational Resources for 3-7 Year Olds

22 November 2018

For Safer Internet Day 2019, the UK Safer Internet Centre has created educational resources for educators to deliver young people aged 3-18 years old, including specific resources tailored for use with 3-7 year olds.

Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 5th February 2019 with the slogan ‘Together for a better internet’.

About Safer Internet Day 2019

In the UK each year we choose a theme that we think best suits the landscape of online safety in the country and the issues that young people may face online. The theme for Safer Internet Day 2019 is consent and through this we will look at the way that we give, ask and receive consent in an online context.

Each year to help schools to celebrate Safer Internet Day we create a range of Education Packs that look at the theme in a way that is suitable for children and young people of different ages.

For Safer Internet Day 2018 our Educational packs were downloaded over 800,000 times, with teachers explain the positive impact these lessons had on their pupils.

One teacher said:

‘Students felt confident and were given a platform which enabled them to discuss concerns, ask questions and make disclosures.’ – Secondary school teacher, Surrey.

What is in the pack for 3-7 year olds?

The resources for 3-7 year olds include two differentiated lesson plans – one for 3-5 year olds and one for 5-7 year olds, an assembly story and a poster.

The pack aims to facilitate discussion with the youngest internet users, using a variety of visual and kinetic learning techniques to engage their knowledge of the internet so far.

Some children within this age range may not be fully aware of what the internet actually is, and therefore may have no starting point to understand what their choices online can mean. Others will be able to describe an idea of what the internet is, for example by naming what it lets them do such as watching their favourite TV show on screen or video calling family far away. This will allow them to have more of an understanding of how their online choices can affect them and those around them, such as the friends they interact with online.

What are the key learning objectives in this pack?

The learning outcomes within this pack aim to give younger children an understanding of what the internet is and what it can do for us. In order to introduce the concepts that are being explored this Safer Internet Day it looks at how our choices online can affect us, our friends and family, and others online, and how we can makes choices that are positive and safe online.

Activities from this pack to highlight

The Education pack for 3-7 year olds and complementary SID TV film provide a range of activities to help schools, youth groups and other settings get involved. These activities are practical, easy to organise, and transferrable to any educational setting – classroom or otherwise.

Activities include listening to this year’s SID assembly story, “Zap and Zoom Go Online” and going on a ‘question hunt’ to identify and discuss all the times the two friends face a decision online and how they make that choice; drama activities for children to act out what the internet allows them to do and how it makes them feel; activities that give children the opportunity to practise asking and receiving permission to do something and the different ways that can be done; walking around the school or setting site and spotting all the different devices that allow us to go online; and sorting activities that identify situations where permission is needed or not, as well as many more interactive activities to engage younger learners.

Guidance for educators

We have also created a guidance pack for the people delivering the Safer Internet Day messages in your school, youth group or other setting.

This gives further advice about how to mark Safer Internet Day and information about how to handle disclosures and sensitive topics, as well as how you can spread the word even further, including by contacting local press.

Join hundreds of organisations across the UK

You can link up with the wider campaign taking place across the UK – and globally in over 130 countries – by joining the social media campaign and registering as an official supporter.

Simply complete our registration form on our website to become an official supporter and receive your supporter certificate.

Plus, download our template to make your pledges for the Safer Internet Day social media campaign #OurInternetOurChoice.

Key links

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