Revenge Porn is a term used to describe sexually explicit media that is publicly shared online without the consent of the pictured individual.
Content is often uploaded by ex-partners with an intention to shame or embarrass an individual, linking content to the persons other online content, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or even work websites, along with personal information including addresses and telephone numbers. Sometimes this content is also directed at family members to cause maximum harm to the victim.

South West Grid for Learning, (one of the partners of the UK Safer Internet Centre) have been funded by the Government Equalities Office to provide a dedicated support service for anyone affected by this issue in the UK. Victims come from all backgrounds, male and female, aged 18 +. Some incidents are perpetrated by ex-partners, some by strangers via hacking or stolen images. Whatever your circumstances, we will do our best to help! The service provides advice on where and how to access legal support, and works with victims to get content removed.
Since being announced by the Government Equalities Minister Nicky Morgan in February 2015 the helpline has responded to over 300 calls, clearly demonstrating the need for this specialist service.
Victims and support professionals can contact the helpline between 10-4, Monday to Friday by telephone 0845 600 0459, or anytime via email [email protected] or our anonymous online reporting tool Whisper