Digital leaders from Hazelmere Primary School have told us about their time on the programme.

The Hazelmere Digital Leaders normally meet once a week to work through the online training, now that they have completed this they’re planning a whole school assembly for their peers so they can share the knowledge and expertise they have gained from the programme.
We found out what some of the Digital Leaders thought about the programme:
‘Loved it, it has helped me to strive to become much safer online’
– said Abdulai, y5
‘Through this programme I am more aware of the dangers online and when I am using websites I will now try to check that all the facts I find are true’
– said Khadijat Y6
‘This training was helpful and made me realise that there are dangers on the internet, now I am a qualified Digital Leader I can help others to stay safe’
– said Dylan Y4
‘I really enjoyed the training, there were lots of fun activities and I hope that I can learn some more’
– said Ibrahim Y3