Create a positive digital footprint online
Use our simple checklist to help manage and maintain your online reputation.
What happens when you block someone?
BBC Newsbeat have produced a helpful guide about what people can still see after you've blocked them; helping you stay in control of your privacy.
3 in 4 children aged 0-4 years use devices
Latest Research Highlight from the UKCCIS Evidence Group highlights new findings from CHILDWISE about the technology habits of 0-4 year olds.
Registration open for Safer Internet Day 2016 Supporters List
Share what you are doing for #SID2016 and join the list of hundreds of supporters from across the UK.
Code Week EU
Get everyone involved in Code Week EU (10 - 18th October) with our list of resources for young people and teachers.
Looking out for friends online
For World Mental Health Day (10th October 2015) we have compiled some advice about what to do if you’re concerned about a friend online.
Cyberbullying is a top concern for girls
Girlguiding’s Girls’ Attitudes Survey 2015 finds that cyberbullying is a top concern for girls, while 87% of 11-16 year old girls think they should learn about staying safe online at school.
Innovations in e-safety education
How schools across the UK are finding new ways to engage young people in internet safety.
Digiduck evaluation - last terms voucher winner announced
Out of all the parents, carers and staff members who have completed the Digiduck Evaluation survey last term, we have selected one person to receive a £25 amazon voucher!
New Safer Internet Day logo launched!
Today we're excited to announce the launch of the new Safer Internet Day logo for Safer Internet Day 2016 on 9th February.