There are now only two weeks to go until Safer Internet Day! We are running down the top 6 things you can do now to get ready to celebrate on the 5th February.

1. Sign up as a supporter
By signing up as a supporter and telling us a bit more about your plans for the day you will appear on our map of the UK which demonstrates the fantastic range and scope of activities happening across the country! Without the amazing work of all of the Safer Internet Day supporters we wouldn’t be able to reach and inspire such a fantastic number of young people as a result of Safer Internet Day.
2. Watch the video content
Our Safer Internet Day TV 2019 films are engaging, short videos which aim to help young people delve deeper into their ideas around online consent. The films act as an extension of the education packs and as such aim to be conversation starters around the topic of consent in a digital world.
3. Download the Education Packs
The Education Packs are tailored made for 3-7s, 7-11s, 11-14s, 14-18s and parents and carers, along with some guidance for educators. Available in English and Welsh these free packs include lesson plans, posters, presentations, activities and more!
4. Share this on Twitter
Why not share your support of Safer Internet Day by posting a message on your social media accounts, you could say:
- We are supporting Safer Internet Day on the 5th February! Join us and @UK_SIC to help create a better internet this #SaferInternetDay2019
- Not long to go until Safer Internet Day 2019! This year we will be spreading positivity online! #SaferInternetDay2019 #OurInternetOurChoice @UK_SIC
5. Print the ‘our internet, our choice’ template
This Safer Internet Day we are encouraging everyone to actively choose to build a better internet. Children and young people, schools, parents and carers, and organisations all across the UK are invited to make a pledge to do something great and positive online this Safer Internet Day using the hashtag #OurInternetOurChoice. The tablet template has been designed to explore consent online and is adaptable to suit the age group, organisation or individual’s needs
6. Schedule this for 8am on Safer Internet Day
This year we need your help to start the conversation on Twitter! Please help us to start Safer Internet Day by scheduling the below to go out from your account at 8am on the 5th February:
Today is Safer Internet Day! Join us and @UK_SIC this #SaferInternetDay2019 to create a better internet – RT to show your support
Want to get the latest Safer Internet Day news
To keep up to date with the latest Safer Internet Day news you can:
- Follow @UK_SIC Twitter
- Like the UK Safer Internet Centre on Facebook
- Follow @UK_SIC on Instagram
- Subscribe to our newsletter
- Join the UK wide conversation with the #SaferInternetDay2019 Hashtag
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