We are pleased to introduce our newest, free, video resources which families can use together over the coming weeks.

With many families and young people spending more time online than ever before, we want to ensure that everyone has access to easy-to-use, fun and positive online safety resources. Being connected is so important right now, and we want to make sure that your children are safe and happy when they are spending time online.
And since we can’t deliver our sessions directly to children, we’ve created these easy-to-follow videos that you can do at home. Each week we will release a new one to do with your child.
What are the interactive video lessons?
The Education Team at Childnet, who visit schools across the country delivering educational sessions to young people, as well as the adults who support them, have produced a series of six short interactive lessons. These 10-15 minute videos are designed to be picked up and used by families with any young person aged 6-9. We created them so that children can learn important safety messages including:
- how to keep personal information safe
- who they talk to online and what they look at or watch
- what they can trust online
- how they can be kind and supportive to others online
- what to do if something upsets or worries them online
The video lessons are based on our popular SMART rules, which many schools use when teaching about online safety. This means some children may already be familiar with the concept of the rules and will hopefully enjoy the opportunity to explore them in more depth. If your child is already familiar with these rules it can be a great chance for them to be the experts and share what they think with you and the rest of the family.
In each video there are points designed for adults and young people to sit down together to discuss what they have learnt. We suggest that children work through each lesson together with an adult.
At the end of each video, we will set three possible follow-up challenges. These are designed for young people to complete more independently to reinforce what they have learnt through the lesson. For each lesson at least one follow-up activity requires no additional resources or use of technology.
When the lessons will be released
We will be releasing one rule a week over the next six weeks – which means whether at home or at school the films can be used to have an exciting and engaging weekly online safety lesson.
Remember – the videos work best when viewed together by a child and an adult, with the follow-up activities helping to structure independent learning time.
More resources to use at home
In the meantime, we have a range of other fantastic resources which can be used to support young people of all ages and can easily be delivered from home.
This includes tailored resources for use with:
Put your children’s knowledge into practice! Enter our Film Competition.
Childnet are inviting young people aged 7-18 to create a short online safety film to inspire their peers to create a safe, supportive, and fun online world.
The entries that make into the final shortlist will be judged by a prestigious panel made up of David Austin (BBFC), Lisa Prime (BAFTA), Catherine McAllister (BBC) and Mark Reid (BFI). The young people who create winning films and storyboards will receive great filmmaking and creative prizes.
This is a wonderful way for your child to explore what they have learnt in a creative and fun way.
Find out more information at www.childnet.com/film-comp