We’ve launched the final film in our education video series, looking at all the ways you can be SMART with a heart online. The key message in this video is all about being kind and respectful to others online and there is a fun quiz at the end for children to do too!

What is the latest film about and what does it cover?
‘With a heart’ is the final video – but it’s definitely a case of last but by no means least. The key message in this video is all about being kind and respectful to others online, which we know is such an important message to help make the internet a better place for everyone. As this is the final video, it also has an exciting twist: a quiz which will help embed children’s learning from the previous five videos!
What does someone need to complete it?
As with all the previous videos, if you’re a parent then all you need is your child and a device that can access the internet and play sound! It might be useful to have a pen and paper to hand (in case you want to note anything down) but you don’t need anything else.
What do parents need to know before starting?
For this video, it is important that you and your child have watched the others in the series first as it will make a lot more sense if you’re already familiar with all the other SMART rules. Beyond that, the video does all the hard work for you – delivering key advice and opening up conversations about your child’s online life.