On the 27th February the NCVYS are calling on all children and youth organisations to Stop, Look and Listen for National Safeguarding Day.
With the aim of empowering young people to take an active role in managing their own safety, the NCVYS are asking everyone to Stop what they are doing, Look at their safeguarding practices and Listen to young people. For organisations the day is a chance to show commitment to young people’s safety by making a pledge to improve their safeguarding policies and standards.
To get you started The National Council for Voluntary Youth Services have come up with a few pledge examples:
- Reviewing safeguarding practice policy and procedures
- Providing staff with some refresher training
- Doing something specific on safeguarding with children and young people
- Holding a surgery/drop in/tweetchat for people to discuss this openly
To make your pledge visit http://www.ncvys.org.uk/make-a-pledge
Once you’ve made it remember to tell others on social media by including the hashtag #StopLookListen15 and @ncvys.
For more information on how to support #StopLookListen15 visit the resource page.