On the 28th February the NCVYS are calling on all children and youth organisations to Stop, Look and Listen for National Safeguarding Day.
To mark the day the NCVYS are encouraging organisations to Stop what they are doing, Look at their safeguarding practices and Listen to young people by taking the National Safeguarding Day pledge. This pledge aims to empower young people to take an active role in managing their own safety.
By taking this pledge organisations can show their commitment to improving their safeguarding policies and standards. At Childnet we are pledging to support schools in ensuring their children are being safeguarded online. There are a range of resources that schools can use to review their e-safety policies. These can be found here: https://www.childnet.com/teachers-and-professionals/for-your-workplace
Here is a quick safeguarding checklist to get you started:
- Does your school have an e-safety policy?
- Do you have an E-safety Coordinator? Is your Safeguarding/Child Protection Officer trained in e-safety issues?
- Have all staff been given e-safety training?
- Do you know how to respond to an e-safety incident?
- Have you reached out to parents about internet safety?
- Is e-safety covered with every year group and across the curriculum?
- Have you thought about your own online reputation?
If you have a Safeguarding concern, remember you can always call the Professionals Online Safety Helpline on 0844 381 4772.