After success of Pilot Scheme in November, next wave of training takes place.
March 2007, London & York, UK
Following on from the pilot training in November 2006, Childnet have trained a further 80 internet security experts from the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium [(ISC)²®], to deliver internet safety and security presentations to secondary school pupils in the UK.
Three training sessions were conducted by Childnet, two in London and one in York. This volunteer training model allows Childnet to continue to explore ways to disseminate knowledge to young people face to face. With the expectation that each volunteer visits at least 3 schools Childnet are able to reach over 200 secondary schools with information on internet safety and computer security.
These internet safety presentations will be delivered free-of-charge by certified information security volunteers through (ISC)² all of whom have been trained by Childnet. Aimed at 11-13 year olds, the goal of the programme is to help pupils gain awareness of and understand the dangers of the internet and implement safe and secure online practices. During the in-school sessions, volunteers will identify and discuss strategies to avoid the potential risks they face when online, both to themselves and their computers.
Stephen Carrick-Davies, Childnet CEO, said,
“We at Childnet greatly value the partnership we have formed with (ISC)²® professionals who are committed to ensuing that the new generation of internet users acquire good net safety practices. This model of training experts in IT security to help students is proving very successful and it’s good to see the positive feedback from both schools and young people. We hope to build on this and equip even more IT professionals to support local schools and train students.”
Lyndsay Turley, of (ISC)²® “We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and dedication that the volunteers have demonstrated. We now have 87 trained volunteers, moving from our original group of 13 trained for our pilot program last November. Next steps for the programme include producing a final version of the Safe & Secure Online presentation following feedback from the volunteers, CRB completion, contacting the schools in the trainees’ areas, and securing dates to present in schools after the Easter break. (ISC)²® looks forward to working on this program in the year ahead.”
Once volunteers have received their Criminal Records Bureau checks they will be matched to a school in their area that has signed up to participate in the initiative.
Volunteers will receive four Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for every hour of preparation for the presentations related to the program.
For further information please contact:
Nicola Sanders
Tel: +44 (0) 207 639 6967
Mobile: +44 (0) 77 172 97516