“Jenny’s Story” is a hard hitting film produced by Childnet working in partnership with a local police service. The film is based on the true story of Jenny* a young teenager who chats to a stranger online using Instant Messenger. The film shows how through online chatting, Jenny reveals personal information which results in her being contacted in real life, and ultimately hurt.
On Thursday 27th January 2005 Childnet and Lancashire Constabulary are holding a special local launch of the Jenny’s Story film and support material. This event is an opportunity to thank and give feedback to those who have piloted the resource in local schools as well as others who have given advice.
The film and support materials are undergoing final revisions and edits following further feedback. Multiple copies will then be printed and made available to schools at a National Launch later in the year.
The Rt Hon Paul Goggins MP, Home Office Minister and Chair of the Government’s Task Force on Child Protection on the Internet will be speaking at the event. See Minister’s statement of support on the
*Jenny is not the girl’s real name and her part in the video is played by an actor.
Secondary schools will be able to make advance orders for the resource at www.childnet-int.org/jenny