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Leap into action this National Safeguarding Day

24 February 2016

On Monday 29th February the NCVYS are calling on all children and youth organisations to Stop, Look and Listen for National Safeguarding Day.

National Safeguarding Day is one day in the year where organisations can Stop what they are doing, Look at their safeguarding practices, Listen to young people and take action. As this year is a leap year the NCVYS are encouraging organisations Stop Look Listen and leap into action on the pledges they make.

As Sam Mark Chair of the National Safeguarding Forum) says:

‘It has been a great year for NCVYS in developing our safeguarding network and I am looking forward to another year where youth organisations come together and support each other in regards to the responsibilities and practical approaches to safeguarding. The Stop Look Listen campaign is a great way for us to consolidate this, by putting some time aside and really thinking about simple and effective ways that we can reaffirm our commitments to safeguarding. By sharing this with others, we can remind ourselves that we are not alone, while not forgetting that young people are active participants in the work that we do. So take some time not only to stop and look at what you and your organisation is doing, but also listen to what young people say and how they think you can make the organisation safer for them’

For organisations the day is a chance to show commitment to young people’s safety by making a pledge to improve their safeguarding policies and standards.

To get you started The National Council for Voluntary Youth Services have come up with a few pledge examples:

  • Reviewing safeguarding practice policy and procedures
  • Providing staff with some refresher training
  • Doing something specific on safeguarding with children and young people
  • Holding a surgery/drop in/tweetchat for people to discuss this openly

To make your pledge visit

Once you’ve made it remember to tell others on social media by including the hashtag #StopLookListen16 and @ncvys.

For more information on how to support #StopLookListen16 visit the resources page.

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