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Government launch ‘Educate Against Hate’ website

19 January 2016

Advice for schools and parents about supporting children around the issues of extremism and radicalisation

Today Nicky Morgan announces the launch of a new website designed to offer parents and teachers practical advice about extremism and radicalisation, and it will include information on:

  • warning signs of danger
  • how parents should talk to children about extremism
  • steps concerned parents can take

Childnet and the UK Safer Internet Centre were consulted in the development of the site and will attend the launch at Bethnal Green Academy today.

Will Gardner, CEO of Childnet and a Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre, said:

“It’s essential that we equip children and young people with the skills and resilience they need to be able to critically evaluate online content, including biased or extremist content online, whilst making the most of the opportunities provided by technology to promote freedom of expression and other fundamental rights.”
“To empower children we must support their parents, carers, teachers and other professionals, as well as ensuring that all young people know how to look out for and support their friends and siblings. We very much welcome this step from the UK government to provide much-needed information and advice about these important issues; and we hope it inspires further work in this space to ensure that we are protecting our children as technology use changes and new issues emerge.”

Later this year, Childnet will be launching new teaching resources to help schools open a dialogue about these issues and give young people critical thinking skills so they can evaluate what they see on social media.

If schools would like further advice about any issues relating to children’s use of technology, they can contact the UK Safer Internet Centre’s helpline for professionals on 0844 381 4772.

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