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Film Competition winners announced!

19 July 2013

Childnet’s Film Competition is now in its fourth year. The Film Competition encourages young people aged 7-16 to create a short film to educate their peers about staying safe online. The project engages schools in using new technology for creative and positive uses and equips young people with the skills they need to become confident digital creators. In addition, through the process, the young people create valuable resources to educate their peers about staying safe online and develop their own understanding of what it means to be a good digital citizen.

The 2013 competition was supported by Trend Micro and the Goldsmiths’ Company. Movie-star Planet, Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters, Facebook and Google all contributed to the goodie-bags given to the finalists on the day. We would also like to thank the BBFC and The Life Channel for their kind support over the years of the Film Competition.

Childnet hosted the fourth annual Film Competition at the BFI in London, announcing two overall winners with Kell Bank CE Primary School announced as the overall winner in the primary category and Eagle House School as the overall winner in the secondary category.

The Childnet Film Competition was founded in 2010 as a way of asking young people to focus on “positive” use of the internet and to capture their message succinctly. For 2013, the theme built on the Safer Internet Day theme, offering young people the opportunity to share how they connect with respect.

With over 100 entries from across the UK, competition was stiff.

One of our judges David Austin, BBFC, said,

“The quality of all six shortlisted films was very high this year. We loved the diversity of the finalist’s films, including stop motion animation, a rap and a horror film. Many of the entries highlighted the positive things that can be achieved online and showcased the many positive uses of technology which was important. Congratulations to all those shortlisted – this really was a great achievement, and particularly to our winners.”

The primary winning team said,

“Thank you very much. The children were thrilled to win, thoroughly enjoyed the day and came back full of excitement and tales of their experiences in London to tell the rest of the class. They had a wonderful time.”

The secondary winning team said,

“Our students, really enjoyed making the film for the Childnet film competition and we all feel you put on an excellent premiere together for the final 6 films. We of course will be back to take part next year!”

Pippa Green Childnet’s Education and Youth Participation Manager said,

“It’s been great to see the competition grow over the past four years. Year on year we have seen the quality of films and number of entries increase. While this is fantastic, it also makes it harder to judge each year! I’d like to thank our judges for their time, expertise and dedication, as well as the generosity of our supporters and those who have donated prizes for the goodie bags. I’m already looking forward to next year!”

Supportive quote

“Conversations about staying safe online really need to be relevant to the audience we are targeting. What we want is our children and young people to feel really confident and competent in the way they use the internet. Events like the Childnet Film Competition are incredibly important in raising awareness and championing internet safety in schools and amongst peers. Having young people talk about the messages and identify the best ways to get them to their peers is a brilliant thing and is a huge part of the education we need to do. “ Clare Perry MP

See the winning films here

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