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Ernst and Young and the Home Office get muddy in support of Childnet.

13 October 2016

A team from Ernst and Young and the Home Office took on the Tough Mudder Challenge in support of Childnet earlier this month. Katharine, who was part of the team that took on the Mudder, has written this blog about her experience.

Tough Mudder – it’s in the name, an 11 mile cross country run with 22 serious obstacles and 20,000 litres of mud. For me, the worst obstacle was ‘Arctic Enema’ a full immersion ice bath that didn’t just take your breath away, the shock literally stopped you thinking but, over the gruelling length of the course, you really were spoiled for choice and had plenty of time to reflect in the 3 hours 45 minutes it took to navigate. The team consisted of Fraser Nicol, Mike Taylor (from the Home Office), Sinead Grady and myself who were running, jumping, swimming and crawling through mud in aid of Childnet International. We were four among several thousand competitors in a highly organised and professionally managed event at ‘Holmbush Farm’ near Horsham, the last this year in a series that takes place across the country.

It is seriously hard work; my pilates and spin classes were useless preparation, my Sunday swimming, however, was not. You leave everything on the course even dignity where a wardrobe malfunction on the second obstacle meant Mike Taylor gallantly offered me his shorts (he was wearing two pairs such is the reputation of the event). It is not a race, it is a challenge – such is the Mudder pledge – to push your boundaries confronting fear and seemingly insurmountable barriers. You cannot overcome the obstacles without working as a team and getting and giving help and encouragement to those around you. Quite rightly we spend a lot of time discussing and promoting teamwork at EY and this experience really lived those values. After 11 hard miles, the last obstacle was ‘Electroshock Therapy’ which consists of loads of hanging live wires most of which you cannot avoid where the shock (yes it really does hurt) is passed to anyone you touch. Team ‘We Protect’ linked arms and ran through, sharing the pain and crossing the finish line together.

We have already raised an amazing total of £3,494.13 in aid of Childnet via our virgin money giving site, and a fantastic contribution of £1000 by the EY Foundation. We thank all of you that have contributed and for those who haven’t, you’re still welcome. Evidence of our trials and tribulation are in the photographs.

Would I do it again? It would be even tougher as you would know what to expect and, already owning a finishers T shirt, the motivation would be less but then that’s the point, the Mudder challenge will be Tough no matter how many times you do it.

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