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Digital Leaders platform shortlisted for award

13 April 2016

The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme uses an innovative online community to train and inspire young people aged 11-18 years to take the lead in championing positive use of technology in their school or community.

This innovative approach using digital technology has resulted in the programme being shortlisted alongside 10 other finalists within the Charity Digital Leader of the Year Award – help us by voting now!

What is the platform like?

Designed to support Digital Leaders as they progress through the programme, the platform helps young people to:

  • Become an e-safety expert through online training and sharing expertise
  • Make a difference by delivering activities in their school
  • Collaborate with Childnet Digital Leaders across the UK and with experts
  • Achieve recognition (including badges!) for their achievements

Become an e-safety expert

Childnet Digital Leaders build their skills, expertise and confidence through completing training designed by Childnet’s expert education team. Using a flipped learning format, they complete an online module (including videos, interactive tasks and quizzes) and then have a follow up team meeting to consolidate their learning and plan next steps. On completion of the seven essential training modules, the Childnet Digital Leaders will be awarded their official badges and schools will be presented with a certificate. In addition, throughout the year, young people will be able to undertake further training and join webinars, plus our expert team at Childnet are always on hand to answer any queries.

  • “This type of training is good as it is creative and makes us think” – 15-year-old boy, Durham

  • “I feel that this was a perfect way to train because it was very interactive” – 13-year-old girl, London


Young Digital Leaders get involved in the Childnet Digital Leaders Community to connect with young people from across the UK and share ideas, inspiration and knowledge.

Make a difference

Young people will design and deliver a range of activities in their school; from educating young people to creating educational resources. On the platform they will be given advice and inspiration to help them achieve their goals, and they will be awarded for their achievements.

Young people who received a session from their peers in the pilot were supportive of this approach:

  • “You could relate to them and it didn’t feel like you were being taught but talking to friends”
  • “I found it easier to respect what they were saying as they were going through it too”.


In the gamified learning environment, Digital Leaders will earn badges and points by engaging in the platform (for example, by completing training or contributing to discussions) and their team’s points will be entered into the national Leaderboard!

If you’re interested in finding out more about how to join the programme, please get in touch with Sharon at [email protected].

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