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Data Protection in Schools: new self-review tool

22 June 2016

Introducing 360data – a new tool from our UK Safer Internet Centre partners, the South West Grid for Learning

Schools are now using more and more services to provide a seamless education experience for staff and, most importantly, pupils. Services like iCloud, Google for education, Capita, Dropbox and a wealth of other cloud services are now available.

Add into this mix smartphones, iPads, Laptops, tablets and other portable computer devices used in schools and there becomes an increasing potential for data to be lost, destroyed or accessed outside of the school environment.

Managing data protection risks

To help schools, headteachers and even small business navigate the data protection world the SWGfL have created 360data, which has been designed to support schools and other establishments in assessing data protection risk and then giving clear guidance in steps to improve their performance.

The online self-review tool has been built on the already award winning 360safe ( self-review tool used by over 9500 schools in the UK.

After completion of and an initial assessment the tool will automatically suggest next steps for improvement, sources of good practice and template documents for policies and usage.

Get started with the tool using the 30 second quickstart quiz to get an idea of your current data protection provision, and some tips on how 360data can help you develop strategies and policy to manage the issues.

Find out more about 360data at

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