Childnet International announced today that it would be assisting the The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) in holding two national conferences on cyberbullying this autumn. The first of these conferences will be on Tuesday 25th September 2007 and will include the launch of new cyberbullying guidance for schools which has been produced for the Department by Childnet International in close consultation with members of the DCSF Taskforce on Cyberbullying.
These events will very much be working conferences. Using the latest interactive technologies we will be interacting and reviewing together the guidance, and hearing from each other as to the most effective ways to ensure that schools can respond to cyberbullying and better protect children.
The conference is primarily for school leaders, however, because the issue of cyberbullying involves a range of different stakeholders we will be joined by representatives from industry, professional associations, and children’s charities.
Children and young people will also be contributing to the programme.
We are delighted to announce that O2 are sponsoring the first conference which will be held at the indigO2 conference centre, part of the new O2 arena in Greenwich.
Registration for the first conference is free but places are strictly limited to 150. For the first conference we are prioritising school leaders and welcome those working within areas of policy, education practice, industry, child welfare, professional associations and Local Children’s’ Safeguarding Boards.
For further details and instructions on how to register for this event see
or contact Will Gardner at Childnet on