Anti-Bullying Week is taking place this month, running from the 12th – 16th November. The Anti-Bullying Alliance, who coordinate the week, are asking schools and youth groups to get involved and celebrate this year’s theme of ‘Choose Respect’.
Anti-Bullying Week is a great time for educational settings to help children and young people to understand some of the key messages from the Anti-Bullying Alliance, these include:
- The definition of respect
- That bullying is a behaviour choice
- That we can respectfully disagree with each other i.e. we don’t have to be best friends or always agree with each other but we do have to respect each other
- That we all need to choose to respect each other, both face to face and online
Cyberbullying Day – Stop Speak Support
For the first time, Anti Bullying Week will be holding a Cyberbullying Day on Thursday 15th November.
At Childnet, we know that technology has amazing things to offer everyone, it allows children and young people to learn, play, create and have fun. Unfortunately, we also know that technology can facilitate and amplify bullying in new ways.
We are really pleased that Stop Speak Support Day will help to raise awareness about cyberbullying and the impact it can have.
You can also see our different Hot Topics for young people, teachers and for parents and carers on cyberbullying which provides helpful information and guidance on how to approach the issue.
How can your school or organisation get involved?
There are lots of fun and creative ways schools and other educational settings can get involved in the week. If you are a school or organisation you can sign up as a supporter and receive a certificate to display.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance have created these resources which can schools can use:
- Primary School Pack – including an assembly, lesson plan and cross-curricular activity ideas
- Secondary School Pack – which encourage children to evaluate their own views regarding respect
- Stop Speak Support – School Pack – for Key Stages 3 and 4
- Odd Socks Day School Pack – to celebrate individuality!
- Restorative practice and Anti-Bullying Week – to help teachers and pupils take a different approach to anti-bullying.
For more information visit the website and join the conversation at #AntiBullyingWeek #ChooseRespect #OddSocks #StopSpeakSupport