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Children’s digital lives central to key consultations

2 March 2018

Childnet responds to key consultations relating to children’s experiences online.

This month has seen the close of the Department for Education’s call for evidence on changes to sex and relationship education and PSHE in schools, as well as their consultation on changes to the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE). Both of these sought views on how best to support schools in embedding digital aspects within safeguarding and preventative education.

The KSCIE consultation also included the opportunity to feed back on new departmental non-statutory advice document covering sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges, which has been shaped by our youth research into online sexual harassment among 13-17s and our Youth Advisory Board of Project deSHAME.

Meanwhile, this week is the final chance to contribute to the ICO’s consultation into their draft guidance about children and the GDPR, as well as have your say about the Department of Health’s green paper about transforming children and young people’s mental health provision.

Addressing a similar theme, the Science and Technology Committee launched an inquiry last week into the impact of social media and screen-use on young people’s health.

This activity is set against the backdrop of the DCMS consultation into the government’s Internet Safety Strategy, which closed in December and is currently being analysed.

This breadth of activity reflects the importance of understanding the impact of digital technology on children and young people’s lives and how key sectors, including education, health, the internet industry, government and wider, can work collaboratively to effectively promote children’s wellbeing.

At Childnet and the UK Safer Internet Centre we look forward to continuing to work with all of these sectors to develop effective, child-focused and evidence-led solutions to the challenges we face to ensure that all children thrive online.

Read the Childner policy & consultation responses here

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