Childnet was presented with a special award at last night’s Nominet Internet Awards, recognising Childnet’s International Engagement as part of the Youth IGF Project.
The Youth IGF Project was run in response to criticisms vocalised in the closing session of the Internet Governance Forum 2008 about the, Childnet ran the Youth IGF Project in the run up to the Internet Governance Forum 2009, speaking to over 1550 children and young people throughout the UK about their online experiences, their online rights and their wishes for the future of the Internet. Central to the project was engaging in dialogue with young people on the topics of openness, access, security and diversity and communicating their response at the IGF.
Policy and Communications Manager Lucinda Fell said:
“We are thrilled with this special award for International Engagement in recognition of our Youth IGF Project. It is really important to include the thoughts and opinions of young people as part of the IGF process, ensuring real multi-stakeholder dialogue. We were delighted with the positive reception from the other delegates in Sharm-el-Sheikh, and are looking forward to taking 12 young people to Vilnius to participate in the IGF as part of our Youth IGF Project 2010 this September.”
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