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Launch of internet safety toolkit for secondary teachers

9 February 2010

Safer Internet Day 2010 will see the launch of a new toolkit of internet safety resources for secondary teachers. The Know IT All for Secondary toolkit has been developed to provide secondary school teachers with clear and practical resources covering key issues relating to developing young people’s skills in keeping safe online as well as equipping them to deal with risks. This comprehensive resource has been developed by children’s charity Childnet International, with the support of the TDA and the UK Council for Child Internet Safety and Becta.

The development of this resource meets the commitment to provide the education workforce with free high quality e-safety resources outlined in the UKCCIS Click Clever Click Safe Child Internet Safety Strategy, launched by Gordon Brown in December 2009.

The toolkit provides detailed, but easy-to-use lesson plans with accompanying resources, and covers a range of relevant issues for Key Stage 3, including Copyright, Plagiarism, Cyberbullying, Grooming, what it means to be a good Digital Citizen, Security and a range of similar issues. The new toolkit incorporates existing major resources on these subjects from key organisations including CEOP.

Will Gardner, CEO of Childnet International, said:

“It is crucial that we help support teachers to address the issues that relate to children’s use of technology. The internet and mobiles have become integral to the social and educational lives of children, and, just as Tanya Byron found in her review, it is imperative that we work to equip children and young people with the skills to navigate this environment safely and responsibly”

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children, Young People and Families, Delyth Morgan said:

“The internet has opened up fantastic opportunities for young people in recent years, but it’s crucial they know how to keep themselves safe online. That’s why the new Government campaign, ‘Click Clever, Click Safe’, which launches today, aims to raise awareness among parents of the things they can do to keep their children safe online. The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) is also supporting schools and teachers, through a secondary toolkit Know It All, to give teachers clear and practical resources to help young people develop the skills they need to stay safe and make the most of the internet.”

Graham Holley, Chief Executive of the Training and Development Agency for Schools said:

“This new e-safety resource will empower teachers with the necessary knowledge and confidence to keep their pupils safe when using technology. It is a vital tool for today’s internet generation, who can be blissfully unaware of the very real dangers that technology may present. The TDA is committed to equipping teachers and secondary staff with the necessary skills to create a safe online environment for children and young people.”

Stephen Crowne, Chief Executive at Becta, said:

“There’s no doubt that technology is a focal part of every young person’s life both in and out of school, but it’s vital that young people understand how to use that technology responsibly. This comprehensive toolkit developed by Childnet International will provide teachers with the right support material to educate children around the responsible and safe use of the internet so they can tap into the enormous benefits which it can bring to their learning. We at Becta are determined that e-safety is always a key component of our work to help schools put technology at the heart of learning.”

The resource is available online at, and most of the resources are available to download from there.

This resource marks a further development of the award-winning Know IT All suite of resources developed by children’s charity Childnet International. It updates the current Know IT All for teachers and joins the Know IT All for Parents, and Know IT All for Primary which was launched by Prof Tanya Byron in June 2009.

is a UK-based charity working domestically and internationally to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children and young people, alongside enabling them to use interactive technologies safely and responsibly. Childnet focuses on education, awareness and policy. Alongside promoting the opportunities that the Internet and new technologies offer, Childnet is active in carrying out research and engaging in key policy fora alongside the Internet industry and government. Childnet is an original member of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS).

The Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) is the national agency and recognised sector body responsible for the training and development of the school workforce. The TDA was established under the Education Act 2005. Its responsibilities relate to England only. The TDA’s principal aim is to secure an effective school workforce that raises educational standards, provides every child with the opportunity to develop their potential and thereby improve children’s life chances. The TDA benefits schools by: Securing the supply of the school workforce, supporting the development of the school workforce and supporting the modernisation of the school workforce

UKCCIS was set up in September 2008 to implement the recommendations from Professor Tanya Byron’s review ‘Safer Children in a Digital World’. It is made up of over 140 organisations, including Google, Microsoft, Bebo and the NSPCC. The full membership of the UKCCIS board is available here: Professor Tanya Byron will return this year to measure progress on implementing the recommendations of her review

Becta is the government agency leading the national drive to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning. It is Becta’s ambition to utilise the benefits of technology to create a more exciting, rewarding and successful experience for learners of all ages and abilities, enabling them to achieve their potential.

Know IT All for Parents is a free CDRom available for schools to order. This is a very accessible and practical guide to introduce parents to the benefits and the potential risks facing children online, including on mobile phone, as well as giving key advice on how to keep safe and get the most out of the internet. To date over 1.5 million have been requested and sent out. This resource was winner of the BETT e-safety award 2009 and the Nominet Best PracticeAward 2007 for Diversity. There is a summary of the disk available in 9 languages, including British Sign Language.

Know IT All for Primary is a free resource for schools to order containing resources for use in the classroom as well as a Continuing Professionals Development resource for Primary school staff. It contains a set of video tutorials for school staff covering a range of e-safety issues, as well as an animation resource which can be used directly in the classroom called the Adventures of Kara Winston and the SMART crew. This resource won the MEDEA Award in 2009 for excellence and creativity in media in education The animation is available through Clickr, and the SMART Rules are available in Widgit symbols for those with SEN. Additionally Childnet is working with ITV’s Signed Stories, with funding from the TDA, and the animation will shortly be available in British Sign Language.

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