On 19th July Childnet CEO was called to give evidence at the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications who are conducting an inquiry into Children and the Internet.
The focus of the inquiry is particularly “the changing relationship between children and the internet”, including the positive and negative impact on children’s wellbeing, industry responsibility, users’ responsibilities, as well as legislation and regulation.
Alongside John Carr, Chair of CHIS, Will Gardner shared a range of information to the Committee, chaired by Lord Best, relating to the positives and negatives of children’s internet experience and use, particularly what can be done to help keep children safe in online.
The discussion ranged from responses to cyberbullying, including gender differences and racist bullying, as well as the scope for public awareness campaigns, filtering, the role of schools and industry and more.
The session is available to watch here.
In his remarks, Will outlined his support for statutory PSHE and the important role for schools.
Written evidence can still be submitted to the inquiry until Friday 26th August 2016, oral evidence will be heard until November, and the Committee intends to report in the New Year. The Government responds in writing to reports from select committees.