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Childnet Digital Leaders Programme for Primary

24 June 2016

Following a successful pilot the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme will be open to primary schools from next academic year

Throughout the summer term, Digital Leaders across the UK have been carrying out our pilot Childnet Digital Leaders Programme for primary schools. We currently have 13 schools who are involved in the programme, and they are busy working through online modules with their teachers and fellow classmates. Once they have completed all online modules, they then become a ‘Qualified Digital Leader’. As they complete the various modules, students receive digital badges on the platform which keeps their motivation going.

Qualified Digital Leaders are encouraged to run various activities in schools, such as educating other students to tell them how to keep safe online, writing a leaflet for parents or making a poster.

But don’t just listen to us about how great the programme is. Here’s what the teachers say…

“The digital leaders are absolutely loving the project & we are doing the training part, one module a week: using the workbook, presentations and getting them to write key tips on the ‘shape’ sheet.” – Claire Robinson, Holme Valley Primary School
“My pupils are really enthusiastic about the training and love working through and gaining the badges!” – Carolyn Ellis-Gage, Norwich Road Academy Transformation Trust
“Just wanted to touch base to say how much my digital leaders are enjoying the resources, I am speaking at a conference on Friday and wanted to mention the Childnet programme.” – Dawn Hallybone, Oakdale Junior School

We will be launching the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme for primary schools nationally next academic year, as part of our work as the UK Safer Internet Centre, so do keep an eye out on our website!

Feel free to send any questions to Caroline, by emailing [email protected].

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