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British Film Institute train Digital Leaders competition winners

25 July 2018

Last term we challenged the Childnet Digital Leaders to create an engaging film to explain what they like about their role as Digital Leaders. The schools entered for a chance to win training from the British Film Institute and the Childnet Education team.

The two winning schools of the Digital Leaders in the Spotlight competition were Valley Primary School and Brooke School. The Childnet Digital Leaders team and Joanna van der Meer from the BFI visited both winning schools to deliver film making training, helping students learn more about film creation, online safety and being creative.

On the 4th July Charlotte and Phoebe from Childnet visited Brooke School in Rugby, who were the secondary school winners of the Digital Leaders in the Spotlight competition. The students received a workshop on online safety and confidence boosting as well as film training from Joanne Van Der Meer from the BFI. Brooke School Digital Leaders used the training to create their own short films, they developed their own style and gained confidence in directing and starring in their short films. Brooke School’s Digital Leaders are very accomplished film makers who create their own online safety films to educate their peers about staying safe online using stop motion and green screens. Their expertise was evident in their professionalism when shooting their short films and their film knowledge shared during the training.

On the 9th July the team visited Valley Primary School in Bromley, our primary school winners of the Digital Leaders in the Spotlight competition. The Digital Leaders who entered the competition were from Years 3 to 6. The Childnet team were very impressed by their online safety knowledge and it was clear they had really taken on board their Digital Leaders training. We learnt that there were some budding film directors in the group and some very keen gamers. The students shot short films and focussed on using the different camera angles they had learnt about during their training, they then learnt how to edit their films using industry standard programmes.

Now that the competition winners have completed their training, they have been asked to create short films to be shown on the Digital Leaders platform to inspire other schools. We can’t wait to see what the Digital Leaders are going to create!

To find out more about how your school can get involved in the Digital Leaders Programme please visit the Childnet website.

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