The UK Safer Internet Centre, of which Childnet are a partner of, have released the official Safer Internet Day 2023 resources.
They are there to help teachers and professionals in schools, charities, businesses, libraries, police services and wider to deliver sessions in the lead up and around Safer Internet Day.
Recently, the theme has been announced as “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”.

This year, the megaphone will be handed to children and young people across the UK to project what they see as the biggest online issues they face.
With your help, Safer Internet Day 2023 can be a springboard for conversations that shape how we talk about and respond to online issues, not just for one day, but throughout the whole year.
Also translated in Welsh, the resources are tailored to four age groups:
- 3-7 year olds
- 7-11 year olds
- 11-14 year olds
- 14-18 year olds

Hanni and the Magic Window
Featuring in the education pack for those aged 3-7 is our brand new online safety story, Hanni and the Magic Window!
Hanni’s home has a very special magic window. But when Hanni sees something that upsets her, she struggles to explain what has happened.
Can she find the words to get the help she needs?
The rhyming story is all about speaking out and getting help, teaching younger learners to talk about things that they may find worrying or upsetting.
This story can be viewed as an eBook or is available to download in English and Welsh – you can find it on our website here.
Youth charter
Contribute to the national youth charter being delivered to government and the internet industry!
We are asking schools, youth groups and more to create their own youth charters using the template here and to submit their key asks using the form below.
All you have to do is find the “Advocating for change” heading in the respective educational resource for your learners’ age group to deliver the activity, then input your findings in the charter template.
Let’s work together to use children and young people’s voices to shape the future of online safety support.
Help spread the message
There’s already several things you can be doing to help make the next chapter of Safer Internet Day the most wide-reaching yet.
You can also help spread the word by sharing these key messages:
Schools and organisations can now register as a #SaferInternetDay Supporter! @UK_SIC have now released the official education resources, found here: https://saferinternetday.org.uk
Have you registered as a Safer Internet Day supporter? Share what you are doing for #SaferInternetDay, and see all of the great things that are planned across the UK! @UK_SIC https://saferinternetday.org.uk
You can also get involved in #SaferInternetDay by:
Visiting http://www.saferinternetday.org.uk