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Anti-bullying week 2018 – get involved today

13 November 2018

Anti-Bullying Week is taking place this week, running from the 12th – 16th November. The Anti-Bullying Alliance, who coordinate the week, are asking schools and youth groups to get involved and ‘Choose Respect’.

Ways to get involved today

Join the conversation at #AntiBullyingWeek #ChooseRespect #OddSocks #StopSpeakSupport and tagging @ABAonline

What else you can do

The Anti-Bullying Alliance have created these resources which can schools can use:

Resources to look at cyberbullying

PSHE toolkit

As part of our PSHE toolkit we created the module entitled “Gone too far”. This lesson and accompanying film explore the issue of cyberbullying with an LGBT focus. The activities in the Toolkit help students to define cyberbullying and recognise examples of it. One of the key focuses of the lesson plans is exploring when actions have crossed the line. In addition to this there is clear signposting to advice and support on how to respond to and deal with issues of cyberbullying.

Let’s fight it together

Let’s fight it together is Childnet’s award-winning film that is designed to help sensitise people to the hurt and pain that can be caused by cyberbullying. The film shows ways in which cyberbullying can occur, who it involves, how it can affect different people, and what can be done to prevent it and respond to it.

Hot topic

Our hot topic for teachers gives examples of advice you can give to pupils about cyberbullying, as well as top tips on what you as a professional can do to help pupils dealing with cyberbullying issues.

The POSH Helpline

The Professionals Online Safety Helpline is a helpline designed for professionals who work with young people. The helpline is open Monday – Friday 10am to 4pm and can be reached by emailing or by phoning 0344 381 4772.

BBC Own It

BBC Own It have created a great collection of resources looking at online bullying for Anti-Bullying week, including videos, quizzes, and advice.

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