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Announcing the winners of the Childnet Film Competition

4 July 2018

Will Gardner, CEO of Childnet, looks at the success of the Childnet Film Competition Finalists’ Event.

Yesterday saw the celebration of the Childnet Film Competition 2018! The Finalists’ Event, hosted at the British Film Institute was a great success!

It was absolutely incredible to see the Finalists’ films on the big screen at the BFI, which was watched by the six finalists’ schools, representatives from government, industry, charities, and The Minister for Digital and Creative Industries, Margot James.

The young people were really proud of the work that they had created and it showed as they talked to the event’s attendees about their creative process and the messages that they captured in their films. We are delighted to say that all of the winners’ films will be featured on BBC Own It, allowing them to reach even more young people with their online safety messages.

I want to thank everyone who got involved in this year’s competition, and all of those that attended the Finalists’ Event. The judges had a very hard job choosing the winners of the competition as the standard of entries was so high.

We can’t wait to see what Film Competition 2019, which will be the 10th anniversary of the competition, has in store!

Announcing the winners

Primary Category

1st Place – Trinity Church of England School- Footprints

Have you ever wondered what would happen if someone viewed your digital footprint? This visually led silent movie prompts us to think about our digital footprints and what they say about us. It highlights the importance of leaving positive digital footprints: footprints you can be proud of!

2nd Place – Grange Primary School – Connect With Respect. A Better Internet Starts With Us.

A party is being planned and Medhi has not been invited. In retaliation he decides to post a mean comment about it but is quick to realise that this is not the best way to behave online. With the clever use of a green screen to transport us through this tale we see how Medhi turns this situation around.

3rd Place – St Anne’s Catholic Primary School – Connect With Respect

A catchy, well versed rap which offers 5 very important top tips about the importance of being kind and respectful online.

Secondary category

1st Place – The Ferrers School – Game Over

A girl plays an online game and makes the wrong choices. We see the result of these choices unfold. Playing for a second time, she is able to correct these mistakes by making better choices. A film to demonstrate the difference between sensible and irresponsible online actions.

2nd Place – Queen Mary’s Grammar School – A Better Internet

James uses the internet a lot, in particular to vlog about his gaming skills. To his frustration he receives some negative comments but instead of letting them get to him, he decides to use this experience to help other people.

3rd Place – Esher Church of England High School – One Post

This 2 minute film shows us the importance of being an up stander and taking action if you see someone being bullied online. We learn how one post, one speech, one group and one text can affect someone and how it only takes one person to make a change.

You can now watch the winning films on the Childnet website.

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