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And the Film Competition 2021 award goes to…you?

16 February 2021

Today the 12th Childnet Film Competition is officially launched – and is once again open to all schools and youth groups across the UK.

Following the success of this year’s Safer Internet Day on February 9th, we are asking young people to create a short film or storyboard exploring the theme of: Separating fact from fiction – finding trustworthy information online.

Our Safer Internet Day research found that more than three-quarters of young people say being online is a more important part of their life than ever before. However, almost half are seeing misleading content online every day.

Key themes

At a time when young people are using the internet more than ever, we want them to take the lead and create short films exploring key themes such as:

  • what can you do to find out whether something online is true or not?
  • why would someone post something online that isn’t true?
  • how would we help someone to understand the difference between fact and fiction?

When young people are creating their films all we ask is for the message to remain positive, and that they create something which could help educate other young people.


Once again, there is a primary category for 7–11 year olds, a secondary category for 11-18 year olds, and a storyboard category for anyone with an artistic flair who prefers to draw their film idea.

Schools and youth groups have until Tuesday 1st June to submit all film or storyboard entries.

For the first time, there is to be an International category too. This will be officially launched in the coming weeks, so watch this space!


Our panel of judges will make the tough decisions of who wins the prizes in the Childnet Film Competition 2021. The panel are experts from a range of exciting organisations in the film and TV industry – look out for more about them in the coming weeks.


All of those who are shortlisted will receive some great filmmaking equipment for their school or youth organisation. The winners of the storyboard category will receive some great prizes to help them with their storyboarding in the future and start the path to making great films.

‘Creative, inspiring and imaginative’

Will Gardner, CEO of Childnet and a Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre, says this year’s Film Competition is another great opportunity for young people to play their part in helping to create a safer and more trustworthy internet.

He remarked: “Now in its 12th year, the Childnet Film Competition provides a platform for young people across the UK to show their creative talents, learn about online safety, and inspire their peers to make positive decisions online.

“We want to see their creative, inspiring and imaginative films which reflect this year’s theme – Separating fact from fiction. Finding trustworthy information online.

“Our Safer Internet Day research shows that on a daily basis many young people are making decisions on the trustworthiness of online content they see or are sent. Therefore, managing unreliable content is fundamental to being safe online, as well as for looking after others online.

“Entering Film Competition – as a school, class or individual – is a fantastic way to lead those discussions, help to educate others, and empower young people to be better able to harness and use the positive power of the internet for good. I can’t wait to see this year’s wonderful short films and storyboards!”

Get involved!

Everything you need about taking part, together with categories and entry packs, can be found here:

Please email if you have any questions.

Film Competition is delivered as part of Childnet’s work in the UK Safer internet Centre, with additional support from the Motion Picture Association.

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