It’s already the first Thursday of March, which means that World Book Day 2022 is upon us. In light of this day, we would like to showcase the brilliant recommended reading for children and young people.
The day joins over 100 countries together through a love of all things books and shared reading. The earlier children learn to read for pleasure, the more likely they will continue to pick up a book throughout their futures.
Whilst children and young people across the country will receive £1 tokens to receive free books, why not take a look at Childnet’s virtual book bus?
All our books are currently free to download on our website.

On the Internet
On the Internet is a learning-to-read book for children aged 4 and above.
It has been written for your child to read, with your help when needed. There is no ‘right’ or ‘expected’ number of words for your child to read in this book. Their interaction will be based entirely on their ability.
There are some fun puzzles to go through after the story – you will need to read the instructions for these to your child.
The Digiduck Stories
The Digiduck collection of stories has been created specifically to help parents, carers and teachers educate children aged 3-7 about online safety. The series includes ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app.
Follow Digiduck and his pals in these stories of friendship, responsibility and critical thinking online.
In Digiduck’s Big Decision – the first book in the collection – help arrives just in time for Digiduck when faced with a difficult decision.
Meanwhile, in Digiduck’s Famous Friend, Digiduck and his classmates are set the task of finding out who their special guest will be at school. Through chatting online and asking questions they try to decide who the mystery guest is.

The third in the series, Detective Digiduck, encourages young children to start thinking about online content, helping them to understand that what they read or see online might be true, untrue, or someone’s opinion.
The fourth story, Digiduck and the Magic Castle, series focusses on playing games online. Other themes within the book include peer pressure, password sharing, and in-app purchasing. The aim of this story is to help start conversations between children and adults about many aspects of online gaming.
The fifth story in the Digiduck series, Digiduck Saves the Day, focuses on positive uses of the internet to help others. This final story aims to recap all of the advice that Wise_Owl has given Digiduck and his friends in each of the previous books, whilst exploring the amazing ways that technology can be used to get things done quickly.
Find out more about the Digiduck stories here.