Childnet have been very busy during the last few weeks delivering internet safety sessions for young people. When we speak to pupils we are constantly mentioning how a photograph that is posted online can be easily circulated and distibuted in a matter of minutes. We all know how quickly a funny YouTube video can be passed around the office, or on Facebook. It’s important that we think before we post anything on the internet.
The teacher below shares our opinons on keeping children safe online, and we wanted to show you what she has been doing. So far this photograph has been shared over 30,000 times on Facebook, with over 400,000 likes.
Make sure you’re thinking carefully about the potential consequences of you sharing a photograph online. Not only can it become viral within seconds, but anyone who sees the photograph can edit or change it and keep it for themselves.
A little food for thought for anyone who shares content of themselves online, or even the content they share about other people. If you wouldn’t be happy for that silly photograph of you from last Saturday night to be on the internet forever, then maybe it shouldn’t have been posted on the internet in the first place… Think Before You Post.

Read more about this story on Buzzfeed: