Guest blog: Chloe from FILMCLUB gives us her review of the 2013 Film Competition event.

I thoroughly enjoyed helping judge the shortlisted entries in the Childnet Film Competition, watching all of the films and seeing the wide range of talent of the young people who made the shortlisted films.
However it was really hard to award a winner because there was a really high calibre of films. I think the thing I enjoyed most was awarding the certificates to the winners and seeing how excited they were. It’s made me want to make my own films and enter them into competitions to have a chance to feel that same excitement.
I also found it really cool that all of the winners got a BBFC certificate that stated the age rating of their film and that they could legally show it at any cinema in the U.K, I was definitely jealous of that.

I loved how every entry interpreted the themes of the competition differently. I think the funniest film of the day was ‘Cyber Bullies of the Dead’ it had such an unexpected twist where the zombies represented the cyber bullies; I thought this was utter genius. However I also really enjoyed ‘Ponyville’, I mean who knew that the characters from my little pony could be so rude? I certainly didn’t. I think attending the event made me realise just how talented young people are at filmmaking. I think the most impressive film was the stop frame animation which was made by a 7 year old as I know at that age I definitely wasn’t that good with a camera.
Overall I had a great time judging the films and talking to the winners afterwards and explaining to them exactly what my role as a reporter entails and I even think I convinced some of them to set up their own FILMCLUB and apply next year – so wahey!