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A day in the life of a Childnet School Relations and Administration Assistant

28 July 2017

We are recruiting for a new School Relations and Administration Assistant! We’re looking for someone with an interest in online safety and emerging trends who is passionate about empowering young people to make the most of the opportunities that the online world gives them. If this sounds like you then why not find out more about becoming our new School Relations and Administration Assistant.

In this blog we look at what a day in the life of a School Relations and Administration Assistant would look like.

An average day

The title of this blog is a little misleading – there is no ‘typical’ day for a Childnet School Relations and Administration Assistant. This role is very diverse and a lot of the work depends on the time in the school year and the events in the Childnet calendar, however in this blog we will try to take a closer look at some of the tasks that will form the role.

Playing an exciting role in the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme

A key part of this role is working as part of the Childnet Digital Leaders Team. The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme is an exciting part of Childnet’s work which trains young people to be peer educators, empowering them to talk to other young people in their community about online safety.

In this role you will be the first point of contact for any school with questions about the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme and will be responsible for getting children uploaded onto the onlie learning platform which had interactive modules to help young people learn about online safety and become effective peer educators. Through this role you will also have the chance to develop the Digital Leaders programme further; using the knowledge you have gained through closely working with schools you’ll be able to feed in to discussions about engaging and communicating with young people, therefore helping the programme to become even bigger and better!

Special events

Another thing which can shake up an average day at Childnet is our special events! Although this is an office based role there are many opportunities to represent Childnet at a great variety of events, these include;

  • Safer Internet Day
    At Childnet, we’re one of the three charities that form the UK Safer Internet Centre, and in that role we help to coordinate Safer Internet Day in the UK.
    Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and the campaign sees over 1,600 organisations unite to raise awareness of online safety issues and run events and activities right across the UK.
  • The annual Childnet Film Competition
    Open to all UK schools and youth organisations, our annual competition invited all young people aged 7-18 to take on the challenge of creating a short film about internet safety. You will have the opportunity to attend the finalist’s event where the winning films are showcased to the young people and other industry guests!
  • Childnet Digital Leaders webinars
    The Webinars are educational sessions with industry guests from places such as YouTube, Google and Lego. You will assist the Digital Leaders Team in running these sessions and with engaging the young people who may have questions throughout

Managing orders & resources

Another big part of the role is to manage the orders made on the Childnet Shop. This can get very busy, especially around September when schools are back and looking for resources to use in the upcoming year. It helps to have a head for numbers, so you can create the invoices quickly and accurately.

One of the other main responsibilities of the role is to support the Education Team. They are very often out of the office on school visits, so to lighten their workload (and the weight of their bags!) a very important task is send off the resources they will need to the school in advance of the upcoming activity day.

For those applying

You wouldn’t be able to do this role without an interest in current online issues and a strong commitment to Childnet’s mission and values. We are a small team with a passion for helping make the internet a great and safe place for children, and will go above and beyond to help make this a reality. Being the School Relations and Administration Assistant gives you the opportunity to support this mission, whilst also learning a lot about the ever-growing field of online safety.

See our vacancies page for more information about applyingfor the role.

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