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‘Together we can bridge this gap in understanding which is where exploitation occurs.’

Meet Amice

Where are you from?


What are your favourite things to do online?

The internet has made information highly disposable across many mediums. I enjoy listening to podcasts that discuss Science and Technology, Society and Culture, News and Politics. I enjoy researching subjects that interest me, diving deep into niche topics. Often you will find me listening to a video essay or interview to gain new knowledge which I can apply to my life, my studies, and my work.

Why did you apply to join the Childnet Youth Advisory Board?

Childnet have platformed youth voices, to be heard on issues that truly affect them. Today’s parents, teachers and policy makers navigate uncharted waters. I hope that standing with other youth advisors and with the support from Members of the UK Safer Internet Centre, we can shape resources aiding in digital literacy for all. Together we can bridge this gap in understanding which is where exploitation occurs.

If you could change one thing about the internet, what would it be and why?

We must refocus from reactive provision for online safety. As technology develops policy does not catch up, leaving users susceptible to abuse. Collective action, regulation and policy, responsibility, education and training. This is how we secure preventative care for the internet. Not just at a technical level, through social action. I wish for an internet whereby we fix the “move fast and fix things” attitude taken by many social platforms. Developing a better Web3 as an internet for all.

What 5 words would you use to describe yourself?
Optimistic, Driven, Curious, Ambitious, Pragmatic