Today the 13th Childnet Film Competition is officially launched – and is once again open to all schools and youth groups across the UK.
Following the success of this year’s Safer Internet Day on February 8th, we are asking young people to create a short film or storyboard exploring the theme of All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online.
Online games have become an increasingly popular way for young people to connect with their real-life friends virtually, following a period of multiple lockdowns and school closures. 85% of young people say they are using online games and apps to spend more time with their friends than ever before.
Harnessing the positive power of connection through online games, a further 74% of young people say it can teach them important skills such as concentration and teamwork.
However, Film Competition participants are invited to draw upon any part of this year’s theme. Whilst they could focus on ‘games’, they can also look at ‘respect and relationships’ online or find a way to incorporate both!
Key points
At a time when young people are using the internet more than ever, we want them to take the lead and create short films exploring key themes such as:
- How can they play their part in making online gaming a safe and enjoyable experience?
- How can they look out for others when playing games online?
- What life skills do they learn from playing online games?
- What does it mean to foster ‘respect and relationships’ online?
Provided their film focuses on positivity online and will help fellow young people stay safe on the internet, participants have full creative license!

Once again, there is a primary category for 7–11 year olds, a secondary category for 11-18 year olds, and a storyboard category for anyone with an artistic flair who prefers to draw their film idea. This time, we also have a solo category for any 16-18 year olds wishing to partake as an individual.
Schools and youth groups have until Wednesday 8th June to submit all film or storyboard entries.
Our panel of judges will make the tough decisions of who wins the prizes in the Childnet Film Competition 2022. The panel are experts from a range of exciting organisations in the film and TV industry – look out for more about them in the coming weeks.
And, for the first time, our very own Childnet Digital Leaders will be sitting on the panel!
By entering the Childnet Film Competition, your school or youth group could win a great filmmaking equipment prize, including a DSLR camera. For our storyboard category, the winner of each age category will win a professional graphics pen and storyboard sketch book to help them capture every story idea.
Get involved!
Everything you need to know about taking part, together with categories and entry packs, can be found here.
Please email film@childnet.com if you have any questions.
The Childnet Film Competition is delivered as part of Childnet’s work in the UK Safer Internet Centre, which is now co-funded by Nominet, with additional support from the Motion Picture Association.