Childnet is continuing in its work of challenging the mobile industry to ensure that children and young people are protected from inappropriate adult content. Following on from the success of the Childnet publication “Children & Mobile Phones: an Agenda for Action”, Childnet’s Will Gardner has been invited to speak at a major international conference in Milan this week entitled ‘Mobile Adult Content’.
The Milan conference will be looking at revenue-generation via the delivery of ‘adult entertainment’ via mobile, and the audience will be representatives of the mobile industry internationally.
Will Gardner will address the conference on Wednesday 5th October and he will be stressing the importance of protecting children in the provision of new mobile services. He will explain that as the Internet goes mobile, the same potential dangers that face children on the Internet of inappropriate Content, Contact and Commercialism, face children via their mobile phones. He will stress that these risks are greater in the case of mobiles because of the personal and private nature of the mobile device, which makes parental supervision very difficult, and also the fact that the device is always on and thus the children are always reachable and thus always potentially vulnerable. He will outline the imperative to protect children in this mobile environment and what industry and others can do here.