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Meet the judges

Amy Phillips

Amy, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what your role is at Disney?

Vice President of Corporate Communications and CSR, DISNEY


Amy began her career covering sport at the 1996 Paralympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia.

Amy, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what your role is at Disney?

I’ve been with The Walt Disney Company for 13 years, first with ESPN in New York and now with Disney in London. Until now, I’ve lived in the US but I’ve always been fond of London and very excited to be living here (likely moreso after lockdown). While I’ve spent the majority of my career in sport, I’ve also got roots in children’s television and animation, having worked both at Disney and at Cartoon Network early in my career.

In your opinion, what makes a great film?

It all comes down to the story and connecting emotionally, no matter the medium.

During this time of lockdown, what are the positives of getting involved in the Childnet film competition?

At this time of lockdown, we know that so many children are keeping in touch with friends and family and getting their entertainment online, so I’m looking forward to seeing how children across the UK are going to transfer all the positive elements of the internet in film form!

What is your favourite family Disney film of all time and why?

I’ve never been one for superlatives, but I have a special connection with The Toy Story franchise. The characters and the stories are timeless and I can (and have) watched them over and over again.


Amy is a big fan of the Toy Story films and has watched them lots of times.