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Help and Advice Supporting young people with SEND online

Personal information should be kept private.

Personal information includes any identifying detail about someone, such as: Full name, home address, school name and location, phone number, passwords, age/DOB, location of somewhere where they like to visit.

Personal information includes any identifying detail about someone, such as: Full name, home address, school name and location, phone number, passwords, age/DOB, location of somewhere where they like to visit. These are all things that should be kept private and never shared widely with others online. Sharing personal information will give someone access to know who you are or where you live, which could put someone at great risk. Just as they do offline, learning what’s ok or not ok to share online to someone they’ve never met in real life, is an important and necessary life skill. Have a look at our beyond the classroom section from our STAR toolkit for more information about safe sharing online.